This is the world’s most poisonous plant, a pinch of seeds puts you to death! Despite being fatal, there are benefits

If you think that only creatures like animals, birds, insects, etc. are poisonous in this world, then you probably have not taken complete information about trees and plants. There are many plants in nature which are so poisonous that they can cause great harm to humans. But is their poison strong enough to kill a human? Yes, of course it is. The world’s most poisonous plant can easily do this, but the surprising thing is that despite being poisonous, it has many benefits.

We are talking about Ricinus communis i.e. Castor Oil Plant from which castor oil is made. It is the most poisonous plant in the world and it is also capable of killing a human being. In the year 2002, the Guinness World Records also considered it the most poisonous plant in the world. According to the Merc Index, only 3-4 seeds of this plant can easily kill a human being. If even a 70 microgram dose can easily kill a 72 kg person.

most poisonous plant in the world
According to a report from the WalesOnline website last year, gloves are needed to touch this plant. But the most dangerous are its seeds, which if they enter the mouth, then death is certain. It was told in the report that last year a British woman was walking in the Queen’s Gardens Park in Wales when she saw this plant. Let us tell you that it contains a protein called ricin which is a poisonous substance.

Poisonous seeds have many benefits
But despite being so poisonous, this plant is of great use. Actually, castor oil is made from this. To make castor oil, the seed is heated for a long time, due to which the toxic elements inside it are destroyed. Because of this, this oil becomes safe for use. Castor oil is consumed to get rid of constipation. Apart from this, it is useful to moisturize the skin. Apart from this, it is also used in the cosmetic industry. In ancient Egypt, it was also used to light lamps, as well as it used to get rid of burning sensation in the eyes.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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